Oh, the Acoustic Revive RR-77 and RGC-24 are 2 products for ultimate refinements and resolutions! I was trying them out but ended up buying them!
Put the RR-77 to my RK-100 and the resolutions improved further. Soundstage opened up, but it has the counter effect of thinning the sound. This thinning effect is not the same as making the sound metallic but rather due to the opened up soundstage.
When the soundstage is smaller, things emerged more intimate, compact and closer. When it opened up, things might get a bit fuzzy. Move the speakers closer wud put things back in perspective.
The other thing is RR-77 has the uncanny ability to stretch the boundaries of your setup. The tailing of violins and vocals went up in focus, energy and effortlessness. Put it away and you don't find listening as involving as before.
And the RGC-24, this is ultimate refinement, grace/lithe and smoothness! The transitions of notes and female vocals has got the liquidity and purity of unpolluted spring water! It's all about FLOW and NATURAL-ness!!!
Wanna have a glimpse of the effects? Try out the superb Quantum ElectroClear QRT-1, though it lacked ultimate flow and refinement, at least you get to experience the increased image density and more tuneful bass.
If you like it the QRT way, go full out to the Audio Magic Stealth Mini Reference. This veered more towards American brute. On the other hand, RGC-24 is more towards composure and finesse. I find that the RGC-24 is more balanced and versatile while the Audio Magic stuff is more energised for pop materials.
小雞雞沒買Audio Magic Stealth Mini Reference不是因為它不好,只是當你買了一家品牌的咚咚之後,過後再買其他附件的話,買回同一家品牌的話,通常都會有比較好的化學作用的。
要是當初已經把系統的調整依據Quantum ElectroClear QRT-1的話,那今天小雞雞所用的就會是Audio Magic Stealth Mini Reference了。
Audio Magic Stealth Mini Reference卻是比較陽剛的,對於立體感與形體刻畫的掌握是有板有眼的。

有机会,能不能讲解一下telos 的产品。我也是時常就只是聽女歌手。
Reviewer Jeff Day agrees too in his latest Chapter 4 of the Acoustic Revive Chronicles..
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